(KLiC Certificate in Advanced Excel)
Event Expense Sheet
Advanced Excel Skills:
- Apply Custom Data Formats
- Use Advanced Fill Options
- Apply Advanced Conditional Formatting and Filtering
- Use Form Controls
- Apply Custom Styles and Templates
- Prepare Workbooks for Internationalization
- Mathematical Functions
- Look up data by using functions
- Apply advanced date and time functions
- Functions for Manipulating Text
- Merge Scenarios
- Create Scenarios
- Use Area, Scatter & Stock Charts
- Create Custom Chart Templates
- Manage Workbook Versions
- Copy Macros between Workbooks
- Protect Workbooks for Sharing
- Event Expenses
- Exam Record
- Planner
- To Do List
- Database
- Monthly Budget
- Agenda
- Receipt
- Inventory
Detailed Syllabus:
KLiC Advanced Excel
Apply Custom Formats and Layouts:
- Apply Custom Data Formats
- Use Advanced Fill Options
- Apply Advanced Conditional Formatting and Filtering
- Apply Custom Styles and Templates
- Use Form Controls
- Prepare Workbooks for Internationalization
- Use Outlines
- Use Custom Views
Create Advanced Formulas:
- Functions
- Apply functions in formulas
- Mathematical Functions
- Financial Functions
- Useful Data Functions
- Some Other Useful Functions
- Look up data by using functions
- Apply advanced date and time functions
- Functions for Manipulating Text
- Arrays
Use Scenarios:
- Use What-If Analysis Tools
- Create Scenarios
- Merge Scenarios
- Create Scenario Summaries
- Use Data Tables
Create Advanced Charts:
- Basic Excel Charts
- Use Area, Scatter & Stock Charts
- Use Surface, Radar & Combination Charts
- Create Custom Chart Templates
- Work with Sparklines
Pivot Tables & Charts:
- PivotTables
- Use Pivot Charts
Manage and Share Workbooks:
- Manage Workbook Versions
- Copy Styles between Workbooks
- Copy Macros between Workbooks
- Use Track Changes and Comments
- Merge Workbooks
- Protect Workbooks for Sharing
- Connect To External Data