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  • Address - Plot-A/105, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar
  • Address - 1st floor, Plot-3, Gopabandhu Square,Bhubaneswar


  • Introduction to Android
  • About Android and Android Apps
  • Fundamentals of Android Studio
  • Introduction to Java
  • Java Setup and Program Structure
  • Variables and Datatypes
  • Control Statements and Program Flow
  • Object-Oriented Programming in Java
  • Inheritance and Exception
  • Handling Events
  • Debugging
  • Classifying the Activities
  • Working with UI Elements
  • Introduction to Classes
  • Shared Preference
  • Introduction to Internal Storage
  • Recalling Basic Applications
  • Classifying Various Layout and Animation
  • Media Functions
  • Advanced Android Features
  • Processing with JSON Data
  • Using Maps and Geolocation
  • Permanent Data Storage
  • SQLite and WebView
  • The Extras
  • Wear OS
  • Creating Custom User Interface
  • Advanced Example of Android
  • Near By Places App
  • Visitor Management App
  • Online YouTube Player
  • Chatting App
  • Art Interest App
  • Salon App
  • Grocery Store Online Shopping App
  • Hotel Booking App
  • Submitting Apps in Play Store
  • Strategies for Marketing and App Search Engine
  • App Store Optimization
  • Kotlin

Detailed Syllabus

Introduction to Android

  • Introduction to Android
  • Introduction to Google Play Store
  • Booming Job Prospects
  • Career Opportunities in Android
  • Android Operating System
  • Android Versions
  • Features of Android
  • Android Architecture
  • Android Devices
  • History of Android

About Android and Android Apps

  • Android Apps
  • In-Built Applications
  • Applications by Google
  • Social Networking Applications
  • Types of Applications
  • Paid and Free Apps
  • Google Model
  • Prerequisites
  • Android Environment Setup
  • Downloading JDK
  • Setting Path of JDK
  • Installation of Android Studio in Mac, Linux and Windows
  • Setting up ADT Plug In
  • Creating First Android Application
  • Creation of App
  • Android Studio vs Eclipse

Fundamentals of Android Studio

  • Android Studio Fundamentals and Android Studio IDE
  • Viewing and Adding Java
  • Compilation and Runtime
  • Compilation Process
  • Creating Hello Project
  • Android Components
  • Android Intent
  • Types of Intent
  • MVP Pattern
  • Advantages of using MVP
  • Android Services
  • Types of Android Services
  • Broadcast Receivers
  • Android Content Provider
  • Types of Views
  • Overview of Android Widgets

Introduction to Java

  • History of Java
  • Introduction to Java
  • Java Development Structure
  • Java Program Platform
  • Features of Java Program
  • Difference between POP and OOP
  • Java Applications
  • Java Virtual Machine
  • JVM Architecture

Java Setup and Program Structure

  • JDK Alpha and Beta
  • J2SE
  • Java SE Version
  • Setting up Java and Installation of JDK
  • Setting Java Variable
  • Java Program
  • Program Structure of Java
  • Java Import Statements
  • Java Class Definition
  • Java Class Member Ordering
  • Different Styles of Print Statements
  • Main Method Signatures

Variables and Datatypes

  • Java Identifiers
  • Reserved Words
  • Variables
  • Datatypes
  • Type Casting
  • Operators
  • If Statement

Control Statements and Program Flow

  • Switch Statement
  • While Loop
  • Do-While Loop
  • For Loop
  • For Each Loop
  • Java Break Statement
  • Java Continue Statement
  • Arrays
  • Java Maps
  • Program Flow

Object-Oriented Programming in Java

  • Introduction to Class and Object
  • Working with Object Initialization
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Constructors
  • Overloading
  • Packages
  • Uses of Import

Inheritance and Exception

  • Access Modifiers of Java
  • Inheritance of Java
  • Uses of Inheritance
  • Relationship between Class and Interface
  • Polymorphism of Java
  • Java Exceptions

Handling Events

  • Introduction to Event Handling
  • Overview of Event Handlers
  • Overview of Event Listeners
  • Overview of Event Registration
  • Declarative Event Handling
  • Programmatic Event Handling
  • Working with Event Handling


  • Types of Errors
  • Demonstration of Syntax Errors
  • Runtime Exception
  • Demonstration of Runtime Exception
  • Logical Errors
  • Demonstration of Logical Error

Classifying the Activities

  • Component Activation
  • Android Lifecycle
  • Demonstration of Activity Lifecycle
  • Intent and Its Types
  • Implementing the Intent
  • Passing Data to Another Activity

Working with UI Elements

  • Introduction to Themes and Colors
  • Working with Themes and Colors – Creating Project, Changing Values of Defined Colors, Theme Colors, Styles
  • Introduction to App Bar
  • Working with App Bar – Adding Items, Working with Toolbar Activity
  • Fragments
  • Working with Fragment Design
  • Working with Fragments Activity

Introduction to Classes

  • Long-Running Task
  • Demonstration of the Long-Running Tasks
  • Introduction to AsyncTask
  • Demonstration of the AsyncTask

Shared Preference

  • Introduction to Shared Preference
  • Overview of Operating Mode
  • Introduction to Editor
  • Overview of Methods
  • Storing Data
  • Overview of Retrieving Data
  • Clear and Delete
  • Working with Shared Preference – xml File, Main Activity
  • Verifying File

Introduction to Internal Storage

  • Internal Storage
  • Difference between Shared Preference and Internal Storage
  • Read and Write Data to Internal Storage
  • Syntax to Write a Text File and Reading a Text File
  • Demonstration of Internal Storage

Recalling Basic Applications

  • App Number Shapes
  • Working with Number Shapes App
  • Fizzbuzz App
  • Working with FizzBuzz App
  • Multiplication Table
  • Working with Multiplication Table App
  • Outline Methods

Classifying Various Layout and Animation

  • Layout
  • Understanding of Constraint and Linear Layout
  • Understanding of Frame and Relative Layout
  • Image View
  • Demonstration of Image View
  • Animation
  • Demonstration of Animation

Media Functions

  • Working with Tic-Tac-Toe Game
  • Working with Video
  • Controlling Audio
  • Audio Volume Seeking
  • Grid Layout and Working with Grid Layout
  • App Basic Phrases
  • Working with App Basic Phrases

Advanced Android Features

  • ListView
  • Time Table App
  • Working with Time Table App
  • Egg Timer App
  • Working with Egg Timer App
  • Showing and Hiding UI Element
  • Demonstration of Showing and Hiding UI Element
  • Brain Trainer
  • Working with Brain Trainer App
  • Try and Catch Block

Processing with JSON Data

  • Java String Manipulation
  • Java Classes
  • Implementing Java String
  • String Concatenation and Its Types
  • Implementing Java String Methods
  • Guessing Player App
  • Processing JSON Data
  • Working JSON Data
  • Climatic Condition App
  • Working with Climatic Condition App

Using Maps and Geolocation

  • Implementing Map Activity
  • Working with Customize App
  • Hikers Watch App
  • Implementing Hikers Watch App
  • Memorable Places App
  • Implementing Memorable

Permanent Data Storage

  • Storing Data Permanently
  • Demonstration of Splash Screen
  • Working with Login Activity
  • Adding Show Activity
  • Introduction to Custom Action Bar
  • Customizing Action Bar
  • Alert Dialog
  • Adding Alert Dialog
  • Notes Application
  • Creating Notes Application

SQLite and WebView

  • SQLite Database
  • Implementing and Working with SQLite Database
  • SQLite Advance
  • Working with SQLite Advance
  • WebView
  • Working with WebView

The Extras

  • Bluetooth
  • Implementing Bluetooth
  • Version Control
  • Implementing Version Control
  • Implementing the Firebase
  • ADMob and ADMob Implementation
  • Local Notification
  • Implementing Local Notification
  • Multi-Screen
  • Working with Multi-Screen

Wear OS

  • Introduction to Wear OS
  • Working with Hello Round World Project
  • Working with Different Watch Faces
  • Working with People Counter App

Creating Custom User Interface

  • Working with Cards
  • Understanding Card
  • Making Use of List
  • Understanding List
  • Working with Adapter Class
  • Working with List
  • Working with Voice Input
  • Communicating with User Phone
  • Working with Communication Wear Module
  • Notification in Wearable OS
  • Custom Watch Faces

Advanced Example of Android

  • Creating Google Sign In
  • Configuration for Google Sign In
  • Demonstration of Google Sign In
  • Building Facebook Login
  • Demonstration of Facebook Login
  • Working with OTP Verification

Case Study

  • Near By Places App
  • Visitor Management App
  • Online YouTube Player
  • Chatting App
  • Art Interest App
  • Salon App
  • Grocery Store Online Shopping App
  • Hotel Booking App

Submitting Apps in Play Store

  • Strategies for Marketing and App Search Engine
  • App Store Optimization
  • Generating Signed APK
  • Creating Play Store Account
  • Updating Developer Profile
  • Uploading App on the Play Store


  • Basics of Kotlin
  • Difference between Kotlin and Java
  • Demonstration of Weather App
  • Exploring Kotlin Language